Tool Catalogue
How-to Videos: Tool Catalogue and Overview of Features and Modules in the standard tools.
Module Catalog

Company Module
The base module Companies contains information about leads and customers and provides an overview across customer segments. The company’s master data can be entered manually or imported from the ERP system.
Read more about the content of the company module
The company module includes:
- Company overview page: Overview of relationship type and master data, as well as documents and emails related to customers, suppliers, and partners.
- Company status: Stage management to indicate the status of the company.
- Company overview: Overview across companies with filtering options for all registered company data.
- Company contacts: Overview of contacts at the companies.
- Search function: Search based on all registered metadata and free text search.

Project Module
The project module includes a complete project management tool for process support and structuring of a wide range of project management methods, such as PRINCE2, Scrum, Waterfall, Agile, PMBoK, Six Sigma, and Kanban. Get control of project documents, stakeholders, status, phases, deadlines, tasks, and history.
Read more about the content of the project module
Read more about the content of the project module.
- Project overview: Overview of all metadata, documents, email correspondences, tasks, risks, project stage, relationships, etc.
- Project templates: Predefined project templates that support different project types.
- Stage-gate management: Stage management of project phases and gate management to ensure adherence to processes throughout the project.
- Monitoring and alerts: Monitoring of deadlines and reminders to the project manager.
- Portfolio overview: Overview across projects with filtering options for all registered metadata.
- Search function: Search based on all registered metadata and free text search in text files, PDF files, and email content.
- Project plan with timeline, task management, and checklist. Can be combined with gate management in the stage model.
- Change log with registration of changes in the project plan.

Case Module
The module Cases contains various types of cases, such as legal cases, complaint cases, and damage cases (Claim Management).
Read more about the content of the case module
The case module includes:
- Case Overview Page: Overview of all metadata, documents, and email correspondence related to the case.
- Case Categorization: Registration and overview of case types.
- Case Status: Stage management for indicating the status of the cases and managing the cycle.
- Monitoring and Alerting: Monitoring of deadlines and time limits, with alerts to the responsible person.
- Case Overview: Overview across cases with filtering options for all registered metadata.
- Contact Overview: Registration and overview of case parties and relationships.
- Search Function: Search based on all registered metadata of the case and free text search in text files, PDF files, and email content.

CRM Module
The CRM module contains various sales cases segmented by product categories. Keep track of correspondence in the sales process, including documents, emails, parties, status, deadlines, tasks, sales economics (potential, weighted, and realized), and sales history.
Read more about the content of the CRM module
The sales module includes:
- Sales Overview: Overview of all metadata, sales economics, documents, and email correspondence related to the sales case.
- Sales Categorization: Registration and overview of sales cases categorized by product types.
- Sales Status: Stage management for indicating the status of the cases and managing the sales process.
- Monitoring and Alerts: Monitoring of deadlines and reminders sent to the sales responsible.
- Contact Overview: Registration and overview of contacts at the customer.
- Search Function: Search based on all registered metadata in the sales case and free text search in, for example, text files, PDF files, and email content.

Contract Module
The Contracts module contains the contracts that the company has entered with customers, suppliers, and partners. The Contract module is a sub-module of the Company base module. This means that the contracts are displayed under the companies.
Read more about the content of the Contract module
The Contract module includes:
- Contract overview page: Overview of all metadata, documents, and email correspondence related to the contract.
- Contract categorization: Registration and overview of contract types.
- Contract status: Stage management to indicate the status of the contracts and manage the contract lifecycle.
- Monitoring and alerts: Monitoring of deadlines and contract expirations, as well as alerts to the contract manager.
- Contract overview: Overview of contracts with filtering options for all registered contract data.
- Contact overview: Overview of contact persons on supplier contracts.
- Free text search: Retrieval of supplier contracts, documents, and emails through free text search in files such as text files, PDF files, and email content.

Supplier Module
The Supplier module contains supplier information and dashboards for monitoring supplier compliance. The supplier’s master data can be entered manually, retrieved from the ERP system, or created and maintained by the supplier themselves through the supplier portal.
Read more about the content of the supplier module
The supplier module includes:
- Supplier Overview page: Overview of all master data, documents, certificates, and registrations for the supplier.
- Supplier Status: Stage management to indicate the status of suppliers.
- Supplier Overview: Overview across suppliers with filtering options for all registered supplier data.
- Supplier Contacts: Overview of contacts at the suppliers.
- Production Locations: Overview of the supplier’s production locations.

Certificate Module
The Certificate module includes certificate management, comprising an upload function for certificates and administration and monitoring of deadlines and certificate expiration.
Read more about the content of the certificate module
The certificate module include:
- Supplier Upload Function: Upload function for suppliers to upload their certificates.
- Certificate Library: Storage and registration of certificates and metadata on certificates.
- Certificate Grouping: Grouping of certificates by certificate type.
- Certificate Overview: Overview across certificates with filtering options for all registered certificate data.
- Monitoring: Monitoring of missing certificates and certificate expiration for each supplier and global monitoring across suppliers.
- Notification: Automatic email notification to suppliers when certificates need to be renewed.

Questionnaire Module
The Supplier Questionnaire module includes a digital supplier questionnaire for supplier declaration and auditing. The supplier declaration process is automated, guiding the supplier through the questions and notifying them of time exceeded and incomplete responses.
Read more about the content of the questionnaire module
The supplier questionnaire module includes:
- Predefined Questionnaires: Questions in the questionnaire are defined by the company based on criteria and quality requirements that the supplier must comply with.
- Type-Specific Questionnaires: Creation of questionnaires targeting supplier segments, product types, countries, and language variants.
- Email Notification: The supplier fills out the questionnaire by following a link sent via email.
- Automatic Notification: The supplier receives an email if the deadline for submission is exceeded.
- Intuitive Guide: The supplier is intuitively guided through the completion process to ensure all questions are filled out correctly.
- Automatic Distribution: Distribute questionnaires at fixed intervals to predefined target groups.

Product Module
The additional module Products contains product information and a dashboard for monitoring products and semi-finished goods that are part of the company’s production.
Read more about the content of the product module
The product module includes:
- Product Registrations: Registration of product information, ingredient declarations, etc.
- Product Categorizations: Categorizations of products.
- Overview: Overview of raw materials, components, and ingredients.
- Product Overview: Overview across products with filtering options for all registered product data.

Quality Manual (Quality Assurance)
The quality manual add-on module includes handbook and process administration, as well as handling change proposals. Additionally, the manual can be activated for each project type and at each stage, ensuring that project employees are presented with specific content tailored to the current workflow.
Read more about the content of the quality manual
The quality manual includes:
- Handbook: Intuitive and searchable handbook that can be displayed in projects.
- Administration: Administration and publishing of content pages for the handbook.
- Business Processes: Structuring of work processes with the option of graphical visualization in Visio diagrams.
- Change Management: Processing and implementation of improvement proposals.
- Audits: Planning and conducting audits of internal work processes.
- Deviation Management: Registration and handling of deviations.
- KPI Measurement: KPI measurement of processes in relation to Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

Supplier Management
The supplier management module includes automated supplier audits with a reference library, questionnaire, and certificate management. Automate the information collection from your suppliers. The supplier management tool provides an overview of all relevant information about the company’s suppliers, subcontractors, their products, raw materials, certificates, and declarations/audits.
Read more about the content of supplier management
The supplier management module includes:
- Certificate Management: Administration of supplier certificates, including monitoring deadlines and certificate expiration.
- Digital Supplier Questionnaire: Automated process for supplier declaration and auditing.
- Contract Management: Contract archive, overview of contract types, status, and expiration dates.
- Product Registration for Suppliers: Monitoring of products and semi-finished goods.
- Browser-Based Supplier Portal: Contains supplier data, certificates, registrations, and self-service functionality.
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Supplier Portal
The additional module Supplier Portal contains a browser-based supplier portal that suppliers can log into to access their own supplier data and perform self-service tasks.
Read more about the content of the supplier portal
The supplier portal includes:
- Overview: Suppliers have an overview of their own data, registrations, deadlines, products, and certificates through the portal.
- Editing: Access to editing and updating of, for example, supplier and product data.
- Registrations: Access to registering new products and responding to questionnaires.
- Upload: Upload function for certificates.

Process Module
The Process module contains the company’s processes organized by business areas and/or departments. The Process module includes process descriptions as well as automation and processes for updating and maintaining them.
Read more about the content of the Process module
The Process module includes:
- Process overview page: Overview of all metadata, documents, and email correspondence related to the processes.
- Process categorization: Registration and overview of process types.
- Process status: Stage management to indicate the status of the process and manage the process cycle.
- Monitoring and alerts: Monitoring of deadlines and alerts for the process owner.
- Process overview: Overview of processes with filtering options for all registered process data.
- Process summary: Overview of contacts and process owners.
- Free text search: Retrieval of processes, documents, and emails through free text search in files such as text files, PDFs, and email content.
- Audit and nonconformity overview: Overview of audits and nonconformity reports related to the processes.
- Process diagram view: Ability to display process diagrams, e.g., in Visio.

Instruction Module
The Instruction module contains the company’s instructions organized by business areas and/or departments. The Instruction module includes instruction documents as well as automation and processes for updating and maintaining them.
Read more about the content of the Instruction module
The Instruction module includes:
- Instruction overview page: Overview of all metadata, documents, and email correspondence related to the instructions.
- Instruction categorization: Registration and overview of instruction types.
- Instruction status: Stage management to indicate the status of the instruction and manage the instruction cycle.
- Monitoring and alerts: Monitoring of deadlines and alerts for the instruction owner.
- Instruction overview: Overview of instructions with filtering options for all registered instruction data.
- Instruction summary: Overview of contacts and instruction owners.
- Free text search: Retrieval of processes, documents, and emails through free text search in files such as text files, PDFs, and email content.
- Audit and nonconformity overview: Overview of audits and nonconformity reports related to the instructions.
- Instruction App: Ability to display instructions in a self-control or operation app, optionally as an extension in a nonconformity reporting app.

Policy Module
The Policy module contains the company’s policies organized by areas. The Policy module includes policy documents as well as automation and processes for updating and maintaining them.
Read more about the content of the Policy module
The Policy module includes:
- Policy overview page: Overview of all metadata, documents, and email correspondence related to the policies.
- Policy categorization: Registration and overview of policy types.
- Policy status: Stage management to indicate the status of the policy and manage the policy cycle.
- Monitoring and alerts: Monitoring of deadlines and alerts for the policy owner.
- Policy overview: Overview of policies with filtering options for all registered policy data.
- Policy summary: Overview of contacts and policy owners.
- Free text search: Retrieval of policies, documents, and emails through free text search in files such as text files, PDFs, and email content.
- Audit and nonconformity overview: Overview of audits and nonconformity reports related to the policies.
- Handbook: Ability to display policies in an employee handbook, e.g., on the intranet.

Audit Module
The Audit module contains the company’s audits of processes, instructions, and policies. The Audit module manages audits as well as automation and processes for conducting them.
Read more about the content of the Audit module
The Audit module includes:
- Audit overview page: Overview of all metadata, documents, and email correspondence related to the audits.
- Approval procedure: Procedures for approving audits based on predefined criteria.
- Audit categorization: Registration and overview of audit types.
- Audit status: Stage management to indicate the status of audits and manage the audit cycle (planned, active, approved, and completed).
- Monitoring and notification: Monitoring of deadlines and notification to the responsible auditor.
- Audit summary: Overview of audits with filtering options for all registered audit data.
- Audit form: Form for registering audit points.
- Audit overview: Overview of contacts and audit owners.
- Free text search: Searching audits, documents, and emails through free text search in text files, PDF files, and email content.
- Yearly schedule: Ability to conduct audits at predefined intervals, such as quarterly or semi-annually.

Nonconformity module
The Nonconformity module contains the company’s reports of deviations from processes, instructions, and policies. The Nonconformity module handles reported deviations and automates processes to address them and implement changes.
Read more about the content of the nonconformity module
The Nonconformity module includes:
- Overview page: Overview of all incoming deviations, including description, metadata, documents, and email correspondence.
- Approval procedure: Procedures for approving changes based on reported deviations.
- Categorization: Registration and overview of deviation types, such as whether the deviation is critical.
- Tagging: Tagging the deviation to a specific process, instruction, or policy.
- Status: Stage management to indicate the status and manage the deviation process.
- Monitoring and notification: Monitoring of deadlines and notification to the responsible party.
- Reporting form: Form for reporting deviations.
- Deviation overview: Overview of deviations with filtering options for all registered deviation data.
- Version control: Automatic version control of documents ensures that all changes and approvals are always recorded.
- Deviation overview: Overview of contacts and reporters.
- Free text search: Searching in deviation reports, documents, and emails through free text search in text files, PDF files, and email content.
- Deviation reporting app: Ability to report deviations via an app, possibly as an extension in a self-control or operational app.

Company module
The Company module contains the companies that are part of the company. The Company module enables process management and provides an overview across the company’s entities.
Read more about the content of the company module
The Company module includes:
- Company overview page: Overview of all company entities, including registered company information (metadata), documents, and email correspondence.
- Process overview: Overview of the company’s processes.
- Instruction overview: Overview of the company’s instructions.
- Policy overview: Overview of the company’s policies.
- Company status: Stage management to indicate the company’s status.
- Company overview: Overview across companies with filtering options for all registered company information.
- Contact overview: Overview of contacts in the individual companies.
- Free text search: Searching for companies, documents, and emails through free text search in text files, PDF files, and email content.
Feature Catalogue
Relationship Management
Relationship management enables the creation of “one-to-many” and “many-to-many” relationships across various entities. This allows for establishing connections between cases, projects, contracts, contacts, customers, suppliers, and collaborators.
Read more about the content of relationship management
Relationship management includes:
- Creation Workflow: Intuitive workflow that guides the user through the creation process.
- Two-Way Relationships: Relationships are automatically created as two-way relationships, registering the relationship at both ends.
- Relationship Overview: Intuitive overview of relationships.
- Relationship Description: Description of the nature of the relationship.
- Link: Link to the relationship for quick access to the relationship page.
Risk management
The Project Risk Management module provides an overview of the risk factors that can affect the project in the short and long term. It is necessary to know the risks to be able to manage them. The risk management module structures the work of identifying and defining potential risks, managing risks, and taking the necessary safety precautions.
Read more about the content of risk management
The risk module includes, among other things:
- Risk assessment: workspace for registering risk factors and their derived consequences.
- Risk mapping: rating of risks based on a risk score.
- Risk matrix: graphical display of risks in a risk matrix based on risk score.
- Risk profiles: risk management profiles for companies and projects.
- Risk overview: overview of risks across companies and customers with filtering options for all registered risk elements, providing a good overview of the company’s total risks.
- Risk monitoring: monitoring risks based on a predefined risk calculation.
- Alerts: automatic notification if the risk exceeds predefined risk threshold values.
Express Mail and Document Journalizing
Express mail and document journalizing empower the salesperson to perform 80% of sales work directly in Teams, Outlook, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. From the Express sidebar, users can easily journalize, open, search, and create sales cases, documents, tasks, contacts, leads/customers, and journalize emails.
Read more about the content of express mail and document journalizing
Express mail and document journalizing include:
- Direct Access to CRM tool in Teams: Work with sales cases directly in Teams.
- Express Sidebar in Outlook, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint: Provides direct access to the CRM tool in the Office programs.
- Drag and Drop: Makes it easy to journalize emails on sales cases and leads/customers.
- Search Function for retrieving sales cases, leads/customers, and contacts.
- Function for creating sales cases, leads/customers, contacts, tasks, letters, and emails from the template library.
- Other options include marking favorites, adding documents to emails, on-the-fly conversion to PDF, and much more.
Gantt Chart
The Gantt Chart is a project management tool that provides a Microsoft Project-like user interface for planning and managing tasks and projects. Get an overview of projects and tasks across the organization. Manage tasks, projects, relationships, and resources in an intuitive and visual timeline.
Read more about the content of the Gantt Chart
The Gantt Chart includes:
- Eksporter Gantt chart og indhold til Excel eller PDF
- Drag and drop functionality for moving tasks or projects.
- Move the time marker to change the completion percentage of a task or project.
- Resource allocation of employees or materials to a task or project.
- Shortcut menu: add new tasks and projects or indent, outdent, delete, or edit an existing task or project.
- Work breakdown structure: break down project activities into different submodules.
- Work interval: define the start date and end date of the task or project.
- Work week: mark working days or productive days of a project.
- Time interval setting: hour, day, week, month.
- Relationships: establish relationships between tasks or projects.
- Export Gantt chart and content to Excel or PDF.

The transmittals module allows for collecting documents in document packages (transmittal packages). The documents in the document packages are locked in versioning as a security and documentation for the content of the document package. This way, you can continue working with the original document without affecting the content of the document package. The document package can be sent to customers, collaborators, and suppliers.
Read more about the content of transmittals
Transmittals include:
- Predefined transmittal process with intuitive document collection, preparation, and sending.
- Document overview of documents in the document package, including document name, date (last modified), source item URL, version, file type, and document type.
- Process overview of the stages in the transmittal process (Collection -> Preparation -> Sending).
- Status overview showing the progress and an overview of the status across transmittal packages.
- Checklist with a timeline.
- Coversheet created automatically in the sending phase and sent to the recipient with links to the documents in the document package.
- Mail transmission of the coversheet to the transmittal recipient.

Automatic Mail Journalizing
The Automatic Mail journalizing add-on module ensures that all incoming and outgoing emails are automatically saved to leads/customers and contacts. Emails are automatically journalized in the tool before they reach the employee’s inbox. This means that emails cannot be deleted without the company’s IT administrator.
Read more about the content of automatic mail journalizing
Automatic mail journalizing includes:
- Automatic Mail Backup in Microsoft Azure Cloud.
- Rule Management: Rules and exceptions can be set up to ensure that confidential emails cannot be accessed by unauthorized individuals.
- Journalizing Flags that mark emails as automatically and/or manually journalized across multiple recipients.
- Intelligent Journalizing Suggestions that propose journalizing of contracts based on intelligent pattern recognition.
- Automatic stamping of metadata ensures that emails can be easily retrieved through search and filtering based on sender information and destination in the CRM tool.
- GDPR Compliance with classification and rights management.
Digital Signature
The Digital Signature module enables you to automate and digitize the signing process of your company’s contracts, supplier agreements, NDAs, meeting minutes, and employment contracts.
Read more about the content of Digital Signature
The Signature module includes the following features:
- Integrated user experience: Contracts can be sent directly from the contract management tool with just a few clicks.
- Automated signature process: Utilizing platforms such as Visma Addo, Penneo, or Adobe Docusign.
- Status overview: Provides information on who has signed and who is yet to sign.
- Support for recognized signing methods: Web signatures, MitID, MitID Erhverv, and e-Boks.
Template Management in Letter Models
Template management enables the production of documents using text phrases (templates). Typically categorized into a header text, body text phrases, and a footer text.
Read more about the content of template management
Template management includes:
- Template administration: Intuitive, centralized template administration with an overview of templates, associations, and responsible parties.
- Template creation: Templates are easily created as Word document templates in template administration.
- Automatic mail merge function: Metadata from the customer, case, product, or another entity is automatically inserted using Word mail merge.
- Tagging of templates: Tagging ensures that templates can be grouped and only displayed in relevant contexts.
- Intuitive wizard: Guides the user through the letter production process.
- Unified document: Ability to compile templates into a single document.
- Individual document: Ability to generate templates as separate documents.
- Organization: Option to select or deselect templates and customize the order.
- Customized text content: Modification and customization of text content can be done afterwards in the created Word file.
Task Management
Task management allows for managing, controlling, and assigning tasks. Task assignments can be done manually or automatically triggered by a phase shift or workflow. With task management, the company can easily and securely automate repetitive tasks across projects or cases, and gain an overview of task types, deadlines, task owners, task progress, and more.
Read more about the content of task management
Task management includes:
- Intuitive task panel: displayed and used on cases, projects, contracts, etc.
- Task overview: overview of “My tasks,” completed tasks, and ongoing tasks.
- Task status: overview of task progress.
- Deadlines: monitoring task execution deadlines.
- Task responsible: overview of who is responsible for the task.
- Automated task assignment, e.g., when creating a project, changing phases during the project, or project completion.
- Role-based task assignment: automatic assignment of tasks to individuals based on their role according to the case, project, customer, etc.
- Task overview across projects, cases, employees, customers, etc.
- Option to combine task management with visual overview in a Gantt chart.
Project BI Dashboard
The standard Power BI Dashboard is tailored for the project management tool. Gain a graphical overview across projects, tasks, project members, and deadlines. Click on graphs or charts to view detailed information and relationships.
Read more about the content of Power BI Dashboard
Power BI Dashboard includes:
- Overview of projects and important project information.
- Overview of projects divided by stages, project managers, months, customers, and resources.
- Overview of critical projects.
- Direct links to project sites.
- Filters for refined project views.
- Overview of active tasks and important task information.
- Overview of tasks by completion status.
- Overview of own tasks and follow-ups.
- Overview of tasks divided by projects and stages.
- Direct links to tasks.
- Filters for refined task views.
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