HR Management in Microsoft 365

Manage all your HR processes. 

Cloud-based HR tool 

Standard tool in Microsoft 365:
The HR software is a standard tool in Microsoft 365 that can be customized to support a wide range of individual workflows and processes. 

The HR tool is configured in the two best configuration tools on the market: WorkPoint 365 and Microsoft 365 (SharePoint Online). 


Easy and Efficient HR tool 

HR employees are met by significant demands; they must take care of the company’s employees, recruit and integrate new employees, and create a good first impression of the company. In addition, they must take care of employee well-being, support employees’ personal and professional development, handle crisis situations, comply with legislation, internal procedures, and processes, and collaborate with colleagues while being service-oriented and accommodating 

To master all these disciplines, an efficient and intuitive HR system is required. 

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Get started the right way

Shorten the internal clarification process and ensure the result and all at a fraction of the cost of a comparable tool. 

Short delivery time

Get started quickly. The standard software is configured and installed on your SharePoint Online tenant in less than 30 days. 

Security throughout the process

No surprises or hidden costs. You know what you get and what it costs. Predefined and transparent concept and delivery. 

Easy to customize

The standard tool can be used as is or as a good starting point for a more complex business tool. 

Future-proof platform

Opportunity to grow in the software. Start in one place and expand with additional business modules and features. 

Subscription or fixed price - the choice is yours

Subscription – no initial costs – everything is included. 

Fixed-price – tool configuration and installation included – additional purchases as needed. 

Read our HR customer cases 

Simpler administration of complex employment conditions at Aarhus Theater

Working with codes and equipment has become easy to handle, and the employees enter and exit agreements effortlessly thanks to the new HR tool

Nellemann optimizes HR routines through automation of processes

The optimization of the digital infrastructure was the goal when Nellemann got started in the cloud with Microsoft 365 a few years ago.

Danske Fragtmænd optimizes workflows with contract management

Identical structure across the company’s locations means that Danske Fragtmænd today has optimal contract management.

The HR tool includes, among other things: 


Management of the recruitment process, including job positions, candidates, job interviews, and selection process. 


Task management and preparation for onboarding new employees, including issuance of key cards, hardware, and employee handbook, creation in AD, and assignment of office space. 


Task management and preparation for offboarding employees, e.g., withdrawal of key cards and hardware, deletion of employee in AD, and settlement of office space. 

Personnel files

Collection of all employee-related information, such as master data, employment conditions, employment status, leave, vacation, as well as employee-related documents and emails. 

Employee Cases

Overview and management of employee cases and underlying documentation. 

Performance Reviews

Management and follow-up of performance reviews, goal setting, and performance review documents. 

Competence Management

Registration and overview of employee competencies, such as education, courses, certificates, exams. 

Template Center

For example, employment contracts, performance review documents, warnings, and other standard documents. 

Digital Signature

With integration to Penneo, Adobe DocuSign, Visma Addo, E-boks, or MitID. 

GDPR Compliance

Effective support for compliance processes related to GDPR compliance. 


Free white paper: 

HR Management
– a
deeper dive

 Download the white paper and get: 

  • $Introduction to the HR tool in Microsoft 365
  • $Detailed overview of the content of each main module
  • $Detailed overview of the content of each add-on module
  • $Screenshots from the HR tool showing its main elements.

HR tool in Microsoft 365

The HR tool is targeted at HR departments. The tool can be customized to support a wide range of workflows and HR processes. 



tooltip text

Read more about Personnel Files

Read more about Positions

Read more about Personnel Cases

Add on Recruitment

Learn more here

Add on Competences

Learn more here

Add on HR portal

Learn more here

Add on Express Mail and Document Journalizing

Learn more here


Add-on Modules 


The HR tool consists of the following modules and add-on modules: 

The HR tool consists of three core modules: 

The tool can be expanded with four add-on modules: 

See descriptions of the modules and add-on modules included in the HR tool


    HR tool in Microsoft 365

    The HR tool is targeted at HR departments. The tool can be customized to support a wide range of workflows and HR processes. 


    Standard HR tool

    tooltip text

    Read more about Personnel Files

    Read more about Positions

    Read more about Personnel Cases

    Add on Recruitment

    Learn more here

    Add on Competences

    Learn more here

    Add on HR Portal

    Learn more here

    Add on Express Mail and Document Journalizing

    Learn more here

           Add-On Modules 

    The HR tool consists of the following modules and add-on modules: 

    The HR tool consists of three core modules: 

    The tool can be expanded with four add-on modules: 

    See descriptions of the modules and add-on modules included in the HR tool




      Personnel Folders 

      The personnel folder supports the entire employment process from recruitment, through employment, to termination. The personnel folder includes phase management of the employment process with options for automated follow-up, task assignment, and notifications. 

        Read more about the content of personnel folders

        Personnel folders provide an overview of employment history, activities, and correspondence. 

        The personnel folders module functions somewhat like an old-fashioned plastic ring binder with dividers and tabs, collecting and organizing employee activities, documents, emails, notes, and more. 

        In addition, the personnel folder contains information about current and previous positions in the organization, including the ability to manage multiple concurrent positions, for example, in connection with hourly employees. 



        The positions module includes employee positions (employment relationships), both active positions and previous positions. This creates an overview of an employee’s employment history in the company. 

        Read more about the content of positions

        The positions module include: 

        • Employment status 
        • Employment terms 
        • Master data, including job title, date of employment and termination, department, and supervisor 
        • Personnel cases in the employment process 

        The positions module can also handle employees who hold multiple concurrent positions in the organization and seasonal work, typically employees paid by the hour, temporary workers, and freelancers. 


        Personnel Cases 

        The personnel cases module includes various types of cases, such as personnel cases and labor law cases. 

        Keep track of correspondence in the case process: documents, emails, parties, notes, status, deadlines, tasks, and history. Gain full control and overview no matter how many personnel cases you are working on, how you work, and with whom. 

          Read more about the content of personnel cases

          Personnel cases include: 


          • Case overview: Overview of all metadata, notes, documents, and email correspondence related to the case. 
          • Case categorization: Registration and overview of cases categorized by case types, e.g., cases regarding maternity leave, further education, warning, or dismissal. 
          • Case status: Stage management to indicate the status of cases and manage the case process. 
          • Monitoring and notification: Monitoring of deadlines and reminders to the supervisor. 
          • Search function: Search based on all registered metadata in the personnel case and free text search in, for example, text files, PDF files, and email content. 

          Add-On Modules 


          The recruitment add-on module is a workspace for managing vacant positions, recruitments, candidates, job interviews, and the selection process. The module includes management of the recruitment process, specifically tailored to individual job positions, and provides an overview across the recruitment processes. 

          Read more about the content of recruitment

          The recruitment module includes: 

          • Vacant positions: Overview of vacant positions across the organization. The vacant positions are registered with the following metadata: department, supervisor, etc., as well as job postings, job candidates, and process status. 
          • Candidate overview: Overview of candidates across vacant positions. The candidate page includes master data, emails, documents (application, resume, etc.), skills, candidate ratings, and stage management for the recruitment process, including job interviews, negotiation, and hiring. 
          • Search function: Search based on all registered metadata and free text search in documents and emails. 
          HR - Kompetence

          Competence Management 

          The add-on module “Competence Management” is for managing employee competencies, such as certificates, authorizations, licenses, and courses. The module includes management of individual employee competencies and provides an overview of competencies across the organization. 

          Read more about the content of Competence Management

          The Competence Management module includes: 


          • Competence Overview: An overview of competencies across the organization. Ability to filter all metadata recorded on employee competencies, including employee competencies distributed by departments, expiration of certificates, and distribution of competencies in the organization. 
          • Employee Competence Page: An overview of employees’ competencies. The competence page contains metadata including competency type, expiration date, and documentation such as certificates, driver’s licenses, and exam certificates. Additionally, the page includes emails, notes, and agreements. 
          • Search Function: Search based on all registered metadata and free text search in documents and emails. 
          HR - Portal

          HR Portal 

          The HR portal is the employee’s and manager’s gateway to the HR system. The HR portal consolidates all relevant HR information in one place. On the HR portal’s front page, employees and managers can access relevant HR information, news, and shortcuts. 

          Read more about the content of the HR portal

          The HR portal includes: 


          • Employee Overview: HR news, shortcuts to important information such as employee handbook, guidelines, maternity leave rules, reporting forms, vacation, expenses, travel reimbursement, and access to employee folders. 
          • Manager Overview: HR news and shortcuts to relevant management information. Additionally, the manager portal provides an overview of the manager’s employees and their respective employee folders, ongoing recruitment processes, ongoing personnel cases, tasks, on-/off-boardings, courses, and competencies. 
          • Search Function: Search based on all registered metadata and free text search. 

          Express Mail and Document Journalizing 

          Express mail and document journalizing enable HR employees to perform 80% of their work directly in Teams, Outlook, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. From the Express side panel, users can easily journalize, open, search, and create employee folders, cases, recruitments, documents, and tasks, as well as journalize emails. 

            Read more about the content of Express Mail and Document Journalizing

            Express mail and document journalizing include: 


            • Direct access to the HR tool in Teams: Work with employee folders directly in Teams. 
            • Express side panel in Outlook, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint: Provides direct access to work with the HR tool in Office programs. 
            • Drag-and-drop functionality: Makes it easy to journalize emails into personnel folders and cases, for example. 
            • Search Function: Retrieve personnel folders, personnel cases, recruitments, and candidates, among others. 
            • Create personnel folders, cases, recruitments, candidates, tasks, as well as letters and emails from template library. 
            • Ability to mark favorites, attach documents to emails, convert on-the-fly to PDF, and much more. 



            Personnel Folders 

            The personnel folder supports the entire employment process from recruitment, through employment, to termination. The personnel folder includes phase management of the employment process with options for automated follow-up, task assignment, and notifications. 

              Read more about the content of the personnel folder

              Personnel folders provide an overview of employment history, activities, and correspondence. 

              The personnel folders module functions somewhat like an old-fashioned plastic ring binder with dividers and tabs, collecting and organizing employee activities, documents, emails, notes, and more. 

              In addition, the personnel folder contains information about current and previous positions in the organization, including the ability to manage multiple concurrent positions, for example, in connection with hourly employees. 



              The positions module includes employee positions (employment relationships), both active positions and previous positions. This creates an overview of an employee’s employment history in the company. 

              Read more about the content of positions

              The positions module include: 

              • Employment status 
              • Employment terms 
              • Master data, including job title, date of employment and termination, department, and supervisor 
              • Personnel cases in the employment process 

              The positions module can also handle employees who hold multiple concurrent positions in the organization and seasonal work, typically employees paid by the hour, temporary workers, and freelancers. 


              Personnel Cases 

              The personnel cases module includes various types of cases, such as personnel cases and labor law cases. 

              Keep track of correspondence in the case process: documents, emails, parties, notes, status, deadlines, tasks, and history. Gain full control and overview no matter how many personnel cases you are working on, how you work, and with whom. 

                Read more about the content of personnel cases

                Personnel cases include: 


                • Case overview: Overview of all metadata, notes, documents, and email correspondence related to the case. 
                • Case categorization: Registration and overview of cases categorized by case types, e.g., cases regarding maternity leave, further education, warning, or dismissal. 
                • Case status: Stage management to indicate the status of cases and manage the case process. 
                • Monitoring and notification: Monitoring of deadlines and reminders to the supervisor. 
                • Search function: Search based on all registered metadata in the personnel case and free text search in, for example, text files, PDF files, and email content. 

                Add-On Modules 


                The recruitment add-on module is a workspace for managing vacant positions, recruitments, candidates, job interviews, and the selection process. The module includes management of the recruitment process, specifically tailored to individual job positions, and provides an overview across the recruitment processes. 

                Read more about the content of recruitment

                The recruitment module includes: 

                • Vacant positions: Overview of vacant positions across the organization. The vacant positions are registered with the following metadata: department, supervisor, etc., as well as job postings, job candidates, and process status. 
                • Candidate overview: Overview of candidates across vacant positions. The candidate page includes master data, emails, documents (application, resume, etc.), skills, candidate ratings, and stage management for the recruitment process, including job interviews, negotiation, and hiring. 
                • Search function: Search based on all registered metadata and free text search in documents and emails. 
                HR - Kompetence

                Competence Management 

                The add-on module “Competence Management” is for managing employee competencies, such as certificates, authorizations, licenses, and courses. The module includes management of individual employee competencies and provides an overview of competencies across the organization. 

                Read more about the content of Competence Management

                The Competence Management module includes: 


                • Competence Overview: An overview of competencies across the organization. Ability to filter all metadata recorded on employee competencies, including employee competencies distributed by departments, expiration of certificates, and distribution of competencies in the organization. 
                • Employee Competence Page: An overview of employees’ competencies. The competence page contains metadata including competency type, expiration date, and documentation such as certificates, driver’s licenses, and exam certificates. Additionally, the page includes emails, notes, and agreements. 
                • Search Function: Search based on all registered metadata and free text search in documents and emails. 
                HR - Portal

                HR Portal 

                The HR portal is the employee’s and manager’s gateway to the HR system. The HR portal consolidates all relevant HR information in one place. On the HR portal’s front page, employees and managers can access relevant HR information, news, and shortcuts. 

                Read more about the content of the HR portal

                The HR portal includes: 


                • Employee Overview: HR news, shortcuts to important information such as employee handbook, guidelines, maternity leave rules, reporting forms, vacation, expenses, travel reimbursement, and access to employee folders. 
                • Manager Overview: HR news and shortcuts to relevant management information. Additionally, the manager portal provides an overview of the manager’s employees and their respective employee folders, ongoing recruitment processes, ongoing personnel cases, tasks, on-/off-boardings, courses, and competencies. 
                • Search Function: Search based on all registered metadata and free text search. 

                Express Mail and Document Journalizing 

                Express mail and document journalizing enable HR employees to perform 80% of their work directly in Teams, Outlook, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. From the Express side panel, users can easily journalize, open, search, and create employee folders, cases, recruitments, documents, and tasks, as well as journalize emails. 

                  Read more about the content of Express Mail and Document Journalizing

                  Express mail and document journalizing include: 


                  • Direct access to the HR tool in Teams: Work with employee folders directly in Teams. 
                  • Express side panel in Outlook, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint: Provides direct access to work with the HR tool in Office programs. 
                  • Drag-and-drop functionality: Makes it easy to journalize emails into personnel folders and cases, for example. 
                  • Search Function: Retrieve personnel folders, personnel cases, recruitments, and candidates, among others. 
                  • Create personnel folders, cases, recruitments, candidates, tasks, as well as letters and emails from template library. 
                  • Ability to mark favorites, attach documents to emails, convert on-the-fly to PDF, and much more. 

                  Highlighted Features 

                  HR Dashboard 

                  The HR dashboard provides a 360-degree overview of HR activities. The tool offers several predefined views such as “My Employee Cases,” “My Recruitments,” and a follow-up list showing personnel cases and tasks that require immediate action. This could include exceeding follow-up deadlines. Additionally, there is a diagram showing a status overview of the number of active recruitments, employees, tasks, and on- and off-boarding. 


                  HR - Dashboard

                  Overview Pages 

                  The overview pages provide an overview across recruitments, employees, competencies, performance reviews, on- and off-boardings, and more. The overview pages can be refined and filtered based on the metadata recorded in the HR tool. This allows you, for example, to get an overview of the number of recruitments, employees, etc., and how they are distributed, such as by positions, departments, managers, geography, and more. The views can optionally be supplemented with graphical Power BI views (Business Intelligence). 


                  HR - Overblikssider

                  Do you need an efficient HR tool in Microsoft 365

                  – or are you just curious? 

                  Then don’t hesitate to contact me for a non-binding conversation about the possibilities.