Inox keeps track of customers, cases, and complaints

12. jun 2023

Stainless steel wholesaler Inox is replacing slow, manual processes with digital case management, providing an overview, and increasing the ability to follow up on deviations.


Inox is a stainless steel wholesaler based in Ry, Denmark. The company procures stainless steel and sells it to its 1200 customers, who are primarily engaged in the food industry.

The transition to digital case management was prompted by the limitations of manual workflows.

“It was difficult to know the status of individual cases. It often required a few phone calls or flipping through A4 folders. Now, we have everything related to the case in one place, and everyone can stay informed,” says John Søften Sørensen, CFO at Inox.


“It’s great that we can store all relevant information on the case – photos, emails, documents, etc. And when we’re in Outlook, WorkPoint Express provides a quick way to archive emails directly onto the case.”

– John Søften Sørensen, CFO, Inox


Smooth handling of deviations

The new tool particularly shines in managing deviations such as complaints, internal errors, or irregularities in the supplier chain.

“It’s great that we can store all relevant information on the case – photos, emails, documents, etc. And when we’re in Outlook, WorkPoint Express provides a quick way to archive emails directly onto the case. Additionally, we benefit greatly from task management, which makes it easy to pass the case on to the next person in line,” explains John Søften Sørensen.


Customer overview

Inox does not require an advanced CRM solution but finds value in some of the CRM features that is included in their case management tool.

“It provides a good overview to have all customer details in one place. We store meeting minutes and all correspondence related to the customer. Following up on agreements, such as payment terms, is much easier when the documentation is readily available,” concludes John Søften Sørensen.


Documents in A4 folders and physical exchange of documents between departments made it difficult to maintain an overview. Often, multiple phone calls or a trip to the archive were necessary to obtain a status update.


Inox chose to centralize all information on individual cases in the case management solution and now stores all meeting minutes and customer correspondence in the CRM module.


With easy access to information, Inox eliminates time-consuming follow-ups and can quickly find answers to specific details or get an overall status of the company’s cases and customers.

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