Simpler administration of complex employment conditions at Aarhus Theater

5. jun 2023

The employees’ daily routines at the theater, including access codes, work attire, and equipment, have become easier to manage for the theater’s administration, and the staff now enter and exit agreements more effortlessly thanks to a new HR tool.

With 16 in-house productions per year and a mix of 100 permanent employees and approximately 250 contract workers, there is a high turnover in the workforce at Aarhus Theater. The same employee may be employed under multiple contracts simultaneously, such as being an evening supervisor and an hourly paid theater teacher during the daytime. The complexity is high, but for the employees, it should be simple. Therefore, Aarhus Theater, in collaboration with digitalworkspace365, has developed an HR solution that simplifies the administration of employment conditions.

“GDPR was the reason why we started looking for a solution a few years ago that could meet the legal requirements for document archiving while making our daily lives easier. We went through a failed attempt with another provider before meeting digitalworkspace365, who offered the combination of technical expertise and understanding of our organization that we needed,” says Lene Christensen, HR Manager at Aarhus Theater.



“At digitalworkspace365, we found the combination of technical expertise and understanding of our organization that we needed.”

– Lene Christensen, HR-chef, Aarhus Teater


Flexible solution that keeps improving 

The tool, based on Microsoft 365 and SharePoint Online, currently handles contractual relationships while providing the flexibility that comes with a Microsoft 365 solution.

“We chose the tool because it is SharePoint Online-based, and we are pleased with it. It benefits us that it is continually updated and becoming more user-friendly. The integration with Outlook using WorkPoint is also a tremendous help. When a manager needs to hire someone, they enter data such as role, hours, etc., and in HR, we find the relevant contract and merge it with the information the manager has entered,” explains Lene Christensen regarding the work with employment contracts.


Valuable knowledge sharing in the user network 

For the HR team at Aarhus Teater, there has also been valuable collaboration in meeting other digitalworkspace365 customers.

“digitalworkspace365 has initiated a user network with some of their other customers, and it has been inspiring to see how they use their solutions and share how each of us develops our solutions,” says Lene Christensen.

Advanced integration with the payroll system

Previously, payroll settlement could be a puzzle due to the many and changing employment conditions. This challenge has been solved with an advanced integration with the payroll system, where each individual employment condition is equipped with a unique key that is linked to the employee’s master data. Today, at Aarhus Theater, they know that the master data is always correct while also solving the challenge of handling multiple parallel contracts. It has required the commitment of both parties.

“The solution we have today is the result of digitalworkspace365’s dedication to solving exactly what was difficult in our case. The same person has worked with us throughout, and he has really gotten to know us well, which has provided a tremendous sense of security,” concludes Lene Christensen.



Managing multiple contracts and a correspondingly complex on- and offboarding process was susceptible to errors in the theater’s manual and paper-based setup.


An HR tool with an archive system that handles multiple employment conditions for the same employee. Additionally, contract creation is simplified, and power has been added to the on- and offboarding process.


Working with employment contracts has become much simpler, from creation to archiving. Efficiency has increased with master data gathered in one place and an automated workflow for on- and offboarding.

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