digitalworkspace365 has become supplier of software under SKI

10. mar 2023

digitalworkspace365 has become supplier (in Danish: leverandør) of standard software under the Danish SKI framework agreement. SKI is The State and Local Government Procurement Service. This means that we can deliver standard software as well as support and maintenance agreements to the public sector on competitive terms. As a SKI supplier, we meet a number of criteria in terms of quality, environment, and social responsibility.

The supplier field is dynamic, meaning that due to digitalworkspace365’s recent inclusion in the system, buyers are guaranteed access to tools that follow the technological developments in the market.

We offer IT solutions in the procurement system “02.06 Standardsoftware” on the ETHICS platform, and our offerings can be found under Category 2, where solutions are evaluated based on both price and quality.

Companies can purchase software in five areas:

  1. Standard software
  2. Support and maintenance agreements
  3. Installation, implementation, and configuration
  4. Software-related training
  5. Software-related consulting


What solutions do we offer?

We offer a range of WorkPoint tools, which include:


The procurement system 02.06 will run until March 27, 2027.


You can learn more about the procurement system 02.06 here.

Do you want to have a non-binding conversation about the possibilities?
