Technology and People
Many people use technological aids in their daily lives, and several of the technological tools we use have become so integrated into our lives that we no longer notice them. Technological development is growing at such a rapid pace that new possibilities, tools, and aids are constantly emerging. The constant progress in technology, and the opportunities it brings, shape us both as individuals and as a society. Analogue processes are being replaced by technological and systematic ones, often lifting efficiency to new heights. The interaction between people and technology is more important than ever before. Where interactions were previously “just” a smart feature, they are now more of a prerequisite for new technology.
”It is when we as humans interact with technology that the magic happens.”
– Jesper Kjærsgaard, Managing Partner
Digital Transformation
Analogue processes are outdated – digitalization is in. Technology is here to stay, and with it comes an increasing streamlining of both work and everyday processes. Digital transformation is about technology and evolving, opening the door for companies and organizations to advance technologically. Heavy, time-consuming, and resource-intensive processes that are manually performed and archived in an old-fashioned manner are craving digital transformation.
Digital transformation is an organizational and development project, and a key factor to succeed can be found in the leadership of the transformation towards the goal of involving all employees.
Digital Interaction
The synergy between people and technology is found in digital interaction, where interactivity is a capability of technology that allows for interaction in a different way. Digital interaction can help companies create interaction between employees, tasks, and technology. Digital meeting places open up the possibility for employees to interact with each other about specific tasks and cases. Tasks can be assigned to specific individuals in the company, important comments can be attached, and ongoing follow-ups and updates on the processes and individual phases can be made. This way, the company itself can contribute to shaping and developing digital interaction.
Microsoft 365
New technologies can enhance efficiency, increase quality, and drive innovation within a business area. If your company wants to gain a better overview of its customer database or document management or optimize work processes – internally and externally – there are effective tools available from Microsoft 365. Digital interaction is a recurring theme in all of Microsoft 365’s tools, creating new possibilities for both your employees and the company as a whole.
Read more about Microsoft 365 or have a look at our tool catalogue.

Michael Buades
Sales Director
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